Friday, 4 December 2020

TAROT TALES- Trust your Intuition, Be The High Priestess

 Hey everyone,

Have you anytime heard stories about your childhood when your parents have told you, that they met someone on the road or shop and that person just glanced at you and told your parents to take care of you when you become a teenager or you will become a big personality and make your parents proud or simply do not get you married before a particular age.

I am sure; some of you must have heard such stories. Who are these people who out of nowhere come and tell so much about us? We have complete right to just ignore what our parents tell us, but then later this actually comes true. These are people with psychic abilities. They are intuitive. They know things before-hand.

Surprisingly, we all have intuitive ability (though we all cannot be psychic) and today a lot of people know how to use it to achieve their goals. Intuition just means that your senses are heightened, that your observation, listening, awareness and visualization power are unique. To make it simpler, in long term relationship with any person, don’t we become more intuitive towards each other?

Becoming Intuitive is a path towards self-realization and self-discovery. The High Priestess in tarot comes to tell us to follow our inner knowing. If you trust your gut instincts, means you trust her. To assess one’s instincts one needs to push aside the veil of the endless chattering of the rational mind.

Remember the time, when you felt something wrong meeting a person for the first time or entering a place. What did you do? Trust it or ignore it. At times, we feel blessed meeting someone, feel totally connected without any reason instantly. Sometimes we feel like taking a big plunge and get a good feeling about it. These are all Intuitive nudges. One has to learn to understand and acknowledge them.

Friends, Our Intuition is our soul’s whisper, so do follow it when The High Priestess appears in your reading.

In next blog we will meet The Empress! 

Universal Waite Tarot Deck

Sunday, 27 September 2020

TAROT TALES- Be your own Magician


Hi everyone,

Few day’s back while going through Instagram, I came across a post on Chanakya. Chanakya’s life and the books written on him have always fascinated me. I am in awe of his intelligence and wisdom.

Why am I writing about him today….because I feel he is ‘The Magician’ of tarot. He was aware of his own limitlessness and infinite realms of possibilities around him. He knew his power and used it exactly the way he wanted to. If Chanakya could use his statesmanship and niti to revenge an insult caused to him; to an extent that he built the Mauryan Empire with Chandragupta Maurya, can we not use our limitlessness to manifest our goals and dreams.

Chanakya is epitome of the Magician as he had operated in both, the higher and lower polarities.

Light side of Chanakya was a Manifestor, where he guided to build an Empire, imbibed leadership qualities in young Chandragupta and wrote ancient Indian political treatise- the Arthashastra and also Chanakya Niti Shastra, to name a few. He also showed his Shadow side as a Manipulator, very much like a reversed Magician in tarot.

There will be lot's such Magicians in this world. They have gauged their power. We can also be our own Magician. Friends, our thoughts are very powerful, as their vibrations will call the outside world to respond in kind. We need to recognize this power and shape it for our own reality, just like a skilled Magician.


Friday, 18 September 2020

TAROT TALES- My Fool’s Journey

 Tarot Tales begin from today and I could not find any better way than to start with my story. Those who know me very well know that I am from a science background and am having a successful business in Interiors since 2012. SUCCESSFUL IN MY TERMS. I never full-fledged entered Interiors by promoting it on a larger scale. I was always happy with the work I was getting through references. I still enjoy my work as an Interior designer, though it takes a toll on me.

Last three years I kept on getting that gut feeling that something was lacking in my life. What was that I just could not gauge. When I went into Tarot, a lot of eyebrows were raised and questions did come my way too…How come Tarot?

Well friends, I did not go into tarot because I believed in it. NO. In fact I knew nothing about tarot. Maybe I was drawn to it because of the art, maybe because I love to explore anything and everything that is mystic or maybe being a science graduate wanted to see how can people follow such things? I really don’t know the real reason till date. I was just drawn to it. The best thing is tarot does not tell us to believe in it. It’s a wonderful tool or a random stimulus that helps us understand our life better. Actually tarot tells us to believe in the Universe and more importantly self. As I started digging deep in tarot, I could get lot of clarity with my life. Could clear some mess I was into. No, there was no mess in my life, but some cobwebs in my thoughts which I could remove. 

The time I realized how effective it was on me, I felt the need to use this wonderful tool for the benefits of others too. I thank all my family members and friends who initially supported me. Today when I am doing readings world over, the feedback that I get makes me feel blessed. I feel that I have found out what was amiss in my life.

Today I remember this incidence, three years back we had a tarot reader visiting our place to do reading for my husband and my brother. When she finished their readings, she asked me if I wished to ask any questions. I said that I did not have any questions. She insisted that I ask at least one question. My only question was will I have another profession and the answer was YES. Today surprisingly I am in the same profession.

Friends, when you take a leap of faith just following your gut feelings and believing in the Universe, you start the fool’s journey.

This is my Fool’s Journey……can you share yours. 

Few feed backs from my Querents.

Sunday, 30 August 2020



Hi friends,

Our body language speaks a lot and the signals we send through our body language are much more powerful than what we say. Also we have an inner instinct to pick up on others body language. Imagine yourself in a party and you meet someone you really don’t have a liking for, how would you greet that person. Then imagine coming across someone you were dying to meet and visualize your approach to that person. Similar feelings can be seen in your handwriting.

Psychoanalyst Carl Jung described handwriting as a valid expression of human psyche. It’s basically a snapshot in time, a unique picture of who someone is in that moment. People who want to be close to others, who always need attention and who are over- powering in their body language, will have letters closely written and all the words placed close to each other.

On the other hand a person who values privacy and is emotionally independent will have greater space between the letters and the words. But the best part is graphology tends to see beyond a persona. What first impression one makes on others is important, but finally one’s character traits will be revealed in the long run.

It is indeed interesting to analyze body language on paper.

Be safe, be healthy.

Monday, 13 July 2020

Mother’s Intuition and Graphology - SUPER POWER FOR A CHILD’S EMOTIONAL WELL BEING

Help your child improve his / her personality through handwriting
Hi friends,

Isn’t it rightly said that all mothers have intuition and the stronger ones have radar. You will agree with me, that a worried mother does work like an FBI. Whenever a child comes home from school, one look and mom knows what he has gone through. ‘How was your day?’ is not a question, but a statement to know the exact truth as half of it she already guesses. Our gut feeling for our kids is very strong. When they are happy or sad, we immediately come to know. Still we are humans and can miss out at times.

We all live in a fast pace life, which provides loads of opportunities and gives good exposure, growth and brings agility in our kids. But this life has also brought its own set of challenges. At times we feel disconnected with our kids. There is increased stress level and we witness sudden changes in our child’s behavior, likes and dislikes. So how do we understand kid’s new and changed behavioral habits?

Well, Graphology can bridge this communication gap. The handwriting can help us understand the child’s psychological state at the time of writing and his personality traits. For example,  left slant in the handwriting shows that the child is holding his/ her feelings and emotions from people around.

Our good health is not only absence of diseases or disorder, but it is a state of well-being. Lot of children are not able to express verbally or confide to their parents or teachers about stress, anxiety, sexual abuse, low self-esteem, fears etc. Graphology can easily help in diagnosis of these problems and help kids to overcome them.

Do invest in Graphology for your child’s emotional well-being.

Increase your SUPERPOWER. Let us leave no stone unturned when it comes to the well-being of our children.

Be safe, be healthy.

Friday, 19 June 2020

I am not okay....

Hi friends,

It’s been long since I have written a blog. I felt that lock down would give me a lot of time to write blogs, but things were completely opposite. Day starts with work and ends with work. In fact, today I was forced to write this. I read an article today from Times of India where a renowned Graphologist has analysed SSR’s handwriting after his tragic end. After reading it, the only thought I had was what if this Graphologist could have had a chance to meet SSR in the early stages of his anxiety or depression.

Friends, lots have been spoken and will be debated for long, till it will cease naturally, I do not intend to go in that direction. The person who ended his life is not waiting for any justice or any ones answers, but he and many others like him who follow this path have made us think, why this happen and can it really be stopped? I know someone who is having a depressed family member. That friend of mine is standing rock solid with the patient. It is indeed not at all easy to manage in such a situation. Ask those who have a son or daughter going through stress, anxiety and depression at such a young age?

So, what can we do? They say one should listen to them. But are those in depression willing to talk it out? What we can only do is try to identify these signs early and that is the only time they can share their thoughts. In graphology, one can see the negative traits in a person’s handwriting and also suicidal tendencies to some extent can be identified. But what’s the use of finding them, when the disorder is in the clinical stage? We can help kids in their early stage of stress. I have seen that when the child crosses the age of 15, he/ she feels he/ she is strong enough to manage his/ her own life and does not need any ones help. So we have to make the wrongs right, in the kids below 15. Friends, if each one of us can stop even one kid from going in that direction, it will be life’s purpose served. Let us try and help them from an early age. Let us bring the change, by making small changes around us.

Let them not say, ‘I am not okay, I am just too good at pretending I am.’ Let them just say, “I am not okay”……          

Thursday, 23 April 2020



Hey friends,

Today will actually see what the above sample writings tell about the persons. Let us start with Sample 1. You can see that the writer has written on ruled page, thus certain parameters cannot be assessed.

Sample 1 analysis:

The writer is friendly, outgoing and open minded person. He is reliable as a friend. His writing tells, that he is detail oriented and introvert. He is extremely romantic. But he is a selective listener. He is very impulsive, has short temper and loses patience easily. This person has difference of opinion with his mother and thus is always in conflict with her. He is also secretive in nature. Frustration level is high. Is egoistic. He is a day dreamer and has poor goals. He has heart issues and also acidity and stomach related problems. He seems to be missing on a lot of opportunities.

Sample 2 analysis:

This writer is negative in general. He has met with defeat, disillusionment or constant disappointment in life. Though he is trying to show some courage. He is head over heart. He shows controlled emotions and lack of sympathy. Pulling up to the left indicates he unconsciously withdraws from what he is writing. He seems nervous and worried. The writer looks detached, less connected with people. He is happy living in the past. He sets easily achievable goals. He is good at planning, but not well at execution.

This is how analysis is done, specifically to understand the hidden personality traits and then to use graphotherapy to change the unwanted ones. This is just a crux. Detailed analysis of all the parameters is done when approached with.

Hope you all have a safe and constructive time in this lock down.
For any inquiry regarding graphology and tarot do ping me.

Monday, 9 March 2020


Hey friends, I am communicating with you all after a long time and it feels nice to write to you again. Well, we all know that if we don’t set a BASELINE for what we should accept in life, we will find it easier to slip into the quality of life that’s far below what we deserve. Hence, there has to be a baseline for happiness, leadership, values and our aspirations and so on. Similarly we have to have a baseline in handwriting.

My clients always freak out when I tell them to write something on a blank page and that too nearly two pages. There first question is, "Can’t we use ruled pages?" But then, how will I check the baseline? This baseline is the imaginary line on which we write on a plain page. Now why is the baseline so important? Because it reveals about, our attitude in reaching our goals, the kind of mental energy we apply to our life situations and our general moods. It just works on the concept of up verses down.

As graphologists, in a handwriting sample we can analyse upto 12 types of baseline. Which are they? Let me tell you.
  • Stable or straight baseline
  • Cautious baseline
  • Healthy ascending baseline
  • The quitter baseline
  • Convex baseline- the classical quitter baseline
  • Hysterical baseline
  • Depressive descending baseline
  • Crashing baseline
  • Sudden sinking baseline
  • Concave baseline- finally making up baseline
  • Moody baseline 
  • Sociopathic baseline

From the names you must have got the idea what each baseline is suggesting. Still you can do an exercise. Write one page matter on a blank page and try to analyse where the baseline of your handwriting stands. And if you genuinely want to analyse the baseline of your handwriting and your personality traits, then I am just a phone call, what Sapp and email away.

Wish you all a very Happy Holi and Rang Panchami full of vibrant colours and joy!

Sunday, 19 January 2020

PART 2 - What is the Nature of Your Signature?

Hi all,

Let’s continue from last time. If you have a precise, very legible signature, it is a sign of  straight-forwardness. A signature is legible when the name and last name that appear are easy to recognize. This means that you are a person with clear objectives, who is balanced, who has a sense of responsibility and duty and who feels identified with himself. A signature is partially-illegible when it is hard to read, but each stroke may be identified with a letter. These kinds of signatures are associated to impatience and anxiety.

According to handwriting analysis, people who sign their names with certain illegibility have a propensity to withhold facts and restrain inner feelings. That’s not to say they’re necessarily being dishonest by concealing them. Such signatures can only tell you that they want to hide. What they want to mask (maybe insecurities, traumatic experiences etc.) is known from their handwriting, and not just signature alone.
In short, illegible signature reflects an inclination to remain mysterious, impenetrable and enigmatic, but the reason behind the tendency can be both malicious and/ or benevolent. One must check all aspects of handwriting before arriving at conclusions.

Let’s see what the size of our Signature tell us.

1. If someone has a Very Big Signature, maybe 4-5 times the size of the handwriting, then such writer has feelings of grandeur and will never get off from this place. Such people know nothing of humility as they are too arrogant.

2. If a writer’s signature size is Fairly Big, maybe twice or thrice the size of the handwriting; then this writer comes across as a confident person. He cannot be pushed around in the public place.

3. If the signature size is the same as the handwriting, then it shows that the writer does not believe in putting any drama in the public. He is comfortable in his skin. He is; what you see is what you get.

4. The writers with Small Signature have low self-confidence. They rarely feel comfortable in public and thus like to stay low profile.

Where does your signature stand? Does it align with what your goals are set for your life? Do think about it.

To book an appointment call me on 9987769375/ 9820769375 or email me on

Have a great week!

See you all till we meet again.     

Friday, 10 January 2020

PART 1 - What is the Nature of Your Signature?

Hello everyone,

Wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year! May this 2020 help you live your life to the fullest!

Today I am going to talk about Signature. Friends, signature is our conscious form of handwriting. We decide how we want our signature to be like and work on it. This is then accepted as representation of our self at various important places like banks and on documents like Aadhar Card, Pan Card and Passport etc. It also represents how we want others to see us. It states, “See, this is who I am.” Though Signature should not be analysed on its own, let’s dig a bit deeper to understand Signature Analysis.

The first point we would cover today is Legible, Illegible or Partially Illegible Signature.
People with a legible signature would like the world to know who they are. They are completely open minded. Such a writer though tries to prevent himself from verbally expressing what is on his mind, will express it all through facial expressions. Those who know me can understand this😊. A legible writer cannot hide his good or bad side for long time.

People with illegible signature will not want their identity to be disclosed. They like to maintain an aura of secrecy around their personality. They are least bothered if anyone is able to read their signature or not. The reason why they project themselves mysterious can be found in their handwriting.

Those with partially illegible handwriting are somewhat like the illegible writers. They may not tell you the whole story. They will invariably leave out some important facts. They will only disclose what they feel publicizing. 

Which category do you fit in? Have you ever thought about this? This is just a tip of the iceberg in Handwriting and Signature Analysis. There are infinite things which let a Graphologist study a personality of an individual and help him change few traits for his betterment.

To book an appointment call me on 9987769375/ 9820769375 or email me on

Have a Rocking weekend!

Sayonara till we meet again.