Sunday, 19 January 2020

PART 2 - What is the Nature of Your Signature?

Hi all,

Let’s continue from last time. If you have a precise, very legible signature, it is a sign of  straight-forwardness. A signature is legible when the name and last name that appear are easy to recognize. This means that you are a person with clear objectives, who is balanced, who has a sense of responsibility and duty and who feels identified with himself. A signature is partially-illegible when it is hard to read, but each stroke may be identified with a letter. These kinds of signatures are associated to impatience and anxiety.

According to handwriting analysis, people who sign their names with certain illegibility have a propensity to withhold facts and restrain inner feelings. That’s not to say they’re necessarily being dishonest by concealing them. Such signatures can only tell you that they want to hide. What they want to mask (maybe insecurities, traumatic experiences etc.) is known from their handwriting, and not just signature alone.
In short, illegible signature reflects an inclination to remain mysterious, impenetrable and enigmatic, but the reason behind the tendency can be both malicious and/ or benevolent. One must check all aspects of handwriting before arriving at conclusions.

Let’s see what the size of our Signature tell us.

1. If someone has a Very Big Signature, maybe 4-5 times the size of the handwriting, then such writer has feelings of grandeur and will never get off from this place. Such people know nothing of humility as they are too arrogant.

2. If a writer’s signature size is Fairly Big, maybe twice or thrice the size of the handwriting; then this writer comes across as a confident person. He cannot be pushed around in the public place.

3. If the signature size is the same as the handwriting, then it shows that the writer does not believe in putting any drama in the public. He is comfortable in his skin. He is; what you see is what you get.

4. The writers with Small Signature have low self-confidence. They rarely feel comfortable in public and thus like to stay low profile.

Where does your signature stand? Does it align with what your goals are set for your life? Do think about it.

To book an appointment call me on 9987769375/ 9820769375 or email me on

Have a great week!

See you all till we meet again.     

Friday, 10 January 2020

PART 1 - What is the Nature of Your Signature?

Hello everyone,

Wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year! May this 2020 help you live your life to the fullest!

Today I am going to talk about Signature. Friends, signature is our conscious form of handwriting. We decide how we want our signature to be like and work on it. This is then accepted as representation of our self at various important places like banks and on documents like Aadhar Card, Pan Card and Passport etc. It also represents how we want others to see us. It states, “See, this is who I am.” Though Signature should not be analysed on its own, let’s dig a bit deeper to understand Signature Analysis.

The first point we would cover today is Legible, Illegible or Partially Illegible Signature.
People with a legible signature would like the world to know who they are. They are completely open minded. Such a writer though tries to prevent himself from verbally expressing what is on his mind, will express it all through facial expressions. Those who know me can understand this😊. A legible writer cannot hide his good or bad side for long time.

People with illegible signature will not want their identity to be disclosed. They like to maintain an aura of secrecy around their personality. They are least bothered if anyone is able to read their signature or not. The reason why they project themselves mysterious can be found in their handwriting.

Those with partially illegible handwriting are somewhat like the illegible writers. They may not tell you the whole story. They will invariably leave out some important facts. They will only disclose what they feel publicizing. 

Which category do you fit in? Have you ever thought about this? This is just a tip of the iceberg in Handwriting and Signature Analysis. There are infinite things which let a Graphologist study a personality of an individual and help him change few traits for his betterment.

To book an appointment call me on 9987769375/ 9820769375 or email me on

Have a Rocking weekend!

Sayonara till we meet again.