Hi friends,
Our body language speaks a lot and the signals we
send through our body language are much more powerful than what we say. Also we
have an inner instinct to pick up on others body language. Imagine yourself in
a party and you meet someone you really don’t have a liking for, how would you
greet that person. Then imagine coming across someone you were dying to meet
and visualize your approach to that person. Similar feelings can be seen in
your handwriting.
Psychoanalyst Carl Jung described handwriting as a
valid expression of human psyche. It’s basically a snapshot in time, a unique
picture of who someone is in that moment. People who want to be close to
others, who always need attention and who are over- powering in their body
language, will have letters closely written and all the words placed close to
each other.

On the other hand a person who values privacy and is emotionally independent will have greater space between the letters and the words. But the best part is graphology tends to see beyond a persona. What first impression one makes on others is important, but finally one’s character traits will be revealed in the long run.
It is indeed interesting to analyze body language on
Be safe, be healthy.